May 29, 2019
Making time for yourself can be pretty challenging. But when you take the time for yourself you come back to your spouse better. On today's episode we are talking about the importance of taking time in your marriage to recharge, relax and refresh.
May 22, 2019
How do I pray for my spouse? We are asked this question often. Prayer doesn't have to be difficult, but for some, it is. If you are one of those people who find prayer challenging, this podcast is for you. We are going to direct you down the right path and offer three tangible ways you can change your outlook and...
May 15, 2019
What do you do when you and your spouse are unable to see eye-to-eye? How do you get on the same page? Today, Big Rich and DeAnna, answer a Listener's question regarding a situation he is currently facing in his marriage. It's a problem every marriage faces and one that has real potential to create deep intimacy...
May 8, 2019
Today, Big Rich and DeAnna, discuss four things they wish they would have done sooner in their marriage. Every marriage suffers from bad choices and mistakes. Learning from those choices and mistakes is the goal. Today, we want you to learn from our examples.
Scriptures used:
May 1, 2019
There are specific markers in one's professional career that stand out above the others. Today is one of those days. We are having our first Ted Talk! Today, we welcome Ted Lowe as our guest. Ted is one of the co-hosts of the Married People Podcast. Ted has been responsible for shaping marriages and marriage ministries...