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Growing In Marriage

Jan 29, 2020

Today we are celebrating the release of our new resource for married couples, Jumpstart. It's a 30 day adventure that builds lasting intimacy and a closer friendship with your spouse. Our great friends Tommy and Shannon McKiernan are interviewing us and of course we're all laughing our heads off. 

If you want to know if...

Jan 22, 2020

Ever read a passage of Scripture and get offended by what it says because it doesn't sound progressive enough? Or maybe it sounds degrading and outdated? Today, Big Rich and DeAnna, will talk about one of those passages and how we should see it as God intended us to view it. 

Jan 15, 2020

Today, Big Rich, DeAnna, and Caroline Howard answer a listener's question from Instagram in response the podcast episode 105 on Feelings. 

Jan 8, 2020

Today we answer a listener's question about trust. Big Rich and DeAnna also introduce Jumpstart and I wish DeAnna a Happy Birthday!