Jan 31, 2024
Introducing the Happily Married Workshop. Rich and DeAnna spill the beans on their new in-person event. If you are local to the Central Valley of California: Bay Area, Sacramento, Fresno, Foothills then you don't want to miss this fun one-day workshop that will help you achieve the kind of relationship others will...
Jan 24, 2024
Today Rich and DeAnna are talking about a topic that affects every marriage, but often lurks in the shadows of the relationship. This darkness leaves a silent but very profound impact on both spouses—it’s criticism! So, grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable space, and listen to us engage in a conversation...
Jan 17, 2024
Rich and DeAnna finally deliver a "short" episode. In this podcast, DeAnna's back and she is sharing how she celebrated her 50th birthday and created a memory we will NEVER forget. 😂 Tune into this fun episode that's sure to make you smile and gasp all within 24 minutes.
Don't Miss Anything
Jan 10, 2024
Today, Rich is teaming up with Shannon McKiernan as she fills in for DeAnna. DeAnna had an unexpected event take place that sidelined her for this episode.
We want you to step into intimacy in your marriage. One of the ways to do that is through caregiving. Listen as Rich and Shannon discuss why careging is necessary in...
Jan 3, 2024
To some degree, we all love being taken care of at times, especially when the care is coming from our spouse. Today, Rich and DeAnna want you to stop taking care of your spouse in exchange for something better. Listen as they discuss why caretaking is detremental to your marriage and what you should do instead.